February Workshop: Dragon’s Den

This workshop was the one I found the most interesting! First, because before this module, I had no idea of what “Dragon’s Den” was and I had to make my researches on the topic. Guess what. I caught myself watching watching some episodes on Youtube. I really enjoyed it because it is the type of program that make us look from the point of view the people that will invest on our idea. This is really important because make us think and reflect on what we are going to present and how we are going to do it.

Secondly, because we could “experience it”. We were divided into groups of 6 people and we were challenged to design new enterprise for the museum in the Brambell building or the Botanial Gardens at Treborth.

My group decided to pitch the idea of improving the Museum. We worked very well together (an important lesson to learn) and everyone had space to voice their ideas and opinions and I also could learn about how planning is important when starting a business.

Assignment: Creating my CV

On this assignment we had to find an advertised job in the biology sector and write a CV and a cover letter as if we were truly applying for it. I found it quite interesting because made me think of what I was doing wrong when applying for a job. Before that, I had no idea of what is really relevant to put on a CV. Fill blank pages of a CV was a big challenge for me, because I didn’t have so many experience, and by concluding this seminar I could learn three basic and important things:

  • Detach my studies: skills and knowledge (which is the main attractive of young professionals)
  • The CV need a good presentation: clear text and aesthetically well presented.
  • Honesty

I realised that the secret of a good CV is not in the quantity of lines it will have. The important is to call attention of who will select the candidate to be called for an interview.
